Thursday, March 12, 2009

tHe End iS ComInG & tHe begiNninG iS neAr...

The end is Coming!!!

hey! it's not what you think it is...

it's all about the near closing of the second semester in college...

at last!! we, students are very eager to have this semester end.

free from worries...
free from toxic clinical instructors...

free from projects and a

yes it is!! we can now be relaxed for just a WHILE!!!! but, before it happened.. we need to comply the signing of clearance three clearances...

and after that, we can sleep the whole day, we can go to
beaches or anywhere else where we can find peace of mind..

schooling is a part of our life and we cannot deny the fact about it. we all know that being stress is usual to students, that is why we deserve to have a break!!! yeah!!after all the hard times in getting from bed early in the mornin
g, going to school, and studying.

summer is already coming and it is time for going to beaches or to have a vacation stay in our provinces.. a time for us to be refresh and renew from all those things...

yet, The beginning is coming!!! the beginning of a new stage.. summer classes is also fast approaching...
the sad part of the story is that we students who are taking up bachelor of science in nursing have a limited break only,,i think it's just a two weeks break for us and after that.... {sigh}.... summer classes begins..

we are back again to school... return demonstrations are present and new major subjects will be sad;( but we have to face it in order to passed and to reach the capping and pinning stage!!

yes it is really hard and it takes a lot of effort and money for this...

so, for our hardwork to be paid off we must do our best!!

good luck to us guys!!!

aim high!!!

soar high!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HeaRt And Mind..

Two Words with different functions and meaning but should be use interrelatedly....

i know that you know what i mean from that statement above..

when you are in the state of feeling in love with someone it's good to remember that it is a necessity to use not only your heart in making decisions but you should also consider to use your mind.
remember, never stick only to what your heart feels.. using a brain is a necessity..

it is much good to consider things using both of them because sometimes we are carried away by the emotions we feel and we had at the moment. emotions can brought us into something that could make us do something that it is not good for ourselves and to others...

another reminder,

never use your eyes to cry for the one who fooled you!!.. instead, use it to search for the right one...

i know what your are thinking right now.,
that it is hard not to cry when the one you trust and love fooled you... it does really hurt!
but, don't waste your tears for them.. you can't do anything about it because it is their choice to do that... just keep in mind that every woman's tears is equivalent to man's sacrifices in life.. for women are not made to be stepped down, but they are brought to this world to love and to be loved.,..


don't be scared breaking up...
keeping a relationship with an evil person is much scary...
don't be an idiot and a martyr for your partner whose been fooling you around and been hurting you for so many times,, it is not a wise decision.. it will be only your lost and not them..

take note:

love the one who will fight for you and bravely face each and every consequences...

someone whom you can call a partner..
rather than a lover... (",)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

JusT OnCe...

have you ever wonder why women are very sensitive???

if you don't then you better know why...

first of all, women can hear 7 times more than men.
the real practical reason is that women brain have developed more stronger neurons attached from the Emotional region in the brain.

tears reveal the inner emotions of a girl..
a sort of medium for expressing their feelings..

you cannot easily find out their true emotions..women are so attached to the people around them and to the things that has been a part of their lives.

sometimes, they may say that "i am okay" but what you don't know that deep inside of her heart, she's not. a lot of things can easily hurt a girl's feeling and it often depend on the experiences that she went through,

women are easily affected to the words that has been said to them, and especially to the actions that has been shown to them,, " actions speak louder than words, yet words hurt more when it is said to you" that's what i believe.

maybe you are wondering why women cries easily..

in my own thoughts, girls cry easily because through tears they can express what they really feel. in crying, we can find comfort and pour all the feelings we had. and after that, we feel that the pain we had was lessen somehow.

maybe at this point, you know somehow why women are so sensitive that they tend to cry easily, even in a public place.. it's there own expression of what they feel inside..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

bEinG RiCh...

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance; take it. If it changes your life; let it. Nobody said that it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."






Thanks for being my friends, co-workers, and e-mail buddies

May you be as rich as I am!



this e.mail was sent to me from a person that was so dear to me..
she made me feel that i am still blessed and loved..

i am really thankful that having this person in my life was such a blessing. she was just not a friend of mine but a part of me..

i really want to say thank you to her but i am so shy towards her..
that is why i am posting this to let everyone know that she's one of a kind,

if someday she can read this,A BIG THANK YOU TO HER!!

if you was inspired from this message that has been sent to me, you can send this message to all of your friends out there!

tell everyone that you are thankful to have them in your life, because life is too short.. and believe me it will be worth it..


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

aRe yoU In LovE OR jUsT a LuST!!!

It's so difficult to tell. So what do you need to know to ensure you've got it right?

Love or Lust


You know how it feels. You probably don't care why it feels that way. You're just loving it. But you do care about not falling for your partner purely because you lust after them.

Lust is integral with the first part of any sound intimate relationship - it's the infatuation (or romance) stage. But maybe you're now questioning, 'Am I really in love with them, or is it just lust?'

The problem you face, if you're asking this question from within that first part of a relationship, is - it's almost impossible to work out the answer once you're in it!

Ideally, you'd have worked out well before you start dating anyone who you need to get with in order to be truly compatible. If you haven't done that then I suggest you need to do it now.

Why is this important?

Because the difference between a relationship that turns into love and one that ends at lust is compatibility.

Lust is all centered around your 'sexual compatibility'. If your partner's face and physique fits your map of what's gorgeous, if they talk, move and communicate in a way that pushes your buttons, then you have lust. And I know how fantastic that feels!

However, if you lack the compatibility on other levels, then when the chemicals start to fade from your body, the lust will disappear and you'll be left with someone who you probably don't even fancy any more and certainly don't love.

Of course, it's possible to fall in love with someone and not be fully compatible - but that's another issue! What I'm really saying is that a relationship that's about lust is almost wholly based around the element of 'sexual compatibility'. And that's not enough for a truly loving relationship.

So what are your options at this point in time?

  1. Wait till the lust dies down and see what's left
  2. Work out if you're compatible with your current partner
according to:

the article i had posted could make you think if you're really in love or you just feel lust with your partner. maybe, at this point of time you want to know what you really feels...if you are in love or just a's a tip! visit the website to find out if your are truly in love or not,,

it will excite you! i assure.. because i, myself, had taken the test and the result was LOVE!!

see for yourself and when you find it interesting you can share it with your friends and get to compare scores..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



this Is my First Time to CompoSe a Blog and i really don't knoW what to sAy,,,

words just don't come out into my mind...

Well, to start with this thing,i find it interesting because i can post whatever i want to, any topics i want to discuss or give my insights or opinions about a certain issue...

In some Other blog, i was able to read some of it and they just express anything they want to and feel..

since this is a requirement for us in our computer class to have something to write on this blog spot, i need to think of some topics that i will find very interesting so that i can write as many as i could...

right now, i'm thinking of some possible topics that i will try to give some opinions. maybe some of my favorite books, songs, movies, or something i would like to share like some of my experiences whether good or not,,

somehow this requirement of our subject give us knowledge and new learnings about blogs because not all people knows that this thing exist and doesn't even really know what is this all about..

as of this moment, my thoughts had changed, i find this thing very nice because words are just coming out in my mind on what to write today. it made me express the feelings i have in making a blog as a first timer. it's not yet easy but it's simply i can say that i am ready to post more blogs and be eager enough for it.