Thursday, March 12, 2009

tHe End iS ComInG & tHe begiNninG iS neAr...

The end is Coming!!!

hey! it's not what you think it is...

it's all about the near closing of the second semester in college...

at last!! we, students are very eager to have this semester end.

free from worries...
free from toxic clinical instructors...

free from projects and a

yes it is!! we can now be relaxed for just a WHILE!!!! but, before it happened.. we need to comply the signing of clearance three clearances...

and after that, we can sleep the whole day, we can go to
beaches or anywhere else where we can find peace of mind..

schooling is a part of our life and we cannot deny the fact about it. we all know that being stress is usual to students, that is why we deserve to have a break!!! yeah!!after all the hard times in getting from bed early in the mornin
g, going to school, and studying.

summer is already coming and it is time for going to beaches or to have a vacation stay in our provinces.. a time for us to be refresh and renew from all those things...

yet, The beginning is coming!!! the beginning of a new stage.. summer classes is also fast approaching...
the sad part of the story is that we students who are taking up bachelor of science in nursing have a limited break only,,i think it's just a two weeks break for us and after that.... {sigh}.... summer classes begins..

we are back again to school... return demonstrations are present and new major subjects will be sad;( but we have to face it in order to passed and to reach the capping and pinning stage!!

yes it is really hard and it takes a lot of effort and money for this...

so, for our hardwork to be paid off we must do our best!!

good luck to us guys!!!

aim high!!!

soar high!!!

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