Wednesday, March 4, 2009

JusT OnCe...

have you ever wonder why women are very sensitive???

if you don't then you better know why...

first of all, women can hear 7 times more than men.
the real practical reason is that women brain have developed more stronger neurons attached from the Emotional region in the brain.

tears reveal the inner emotions of a girl..
a sort of medium for expressing their feelings..

you cannot easily find out their true emotions..women are so attached to the people around them and to the things that has been a part of their lives.

sometimes, they may say that "i am okay" but what you don't know that deep inside of her heart, she's not. a lot of things can easily hurt a girl's feeling and it often depend on the experiences that she went through,

women are easily affected to the words that has been said to them, and especially to the actions that has been shown to them,, " actions speak louder than words, yet words hurt more when it is said to you" that's what i believe.

maybe you are wondering why women cries easily..

in my own thoughts, girls cry easily because through tears they can express what they really feel. in crying, we can find comfort and pour all the feelings we had. and after that, we feel that the pain we had was lessen somehow.

maybe at this point, you know somehow why women are so sensitive that they tend to cry easily, even in a public place.. it's there own expression of what they feel inside..

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