Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HeaRt And Mind..

Two Words with different functions and meaning but should be use interrelatedly....

i know that you know what i mean from that statement above..

when you are in the state of feeling in love with someone it's good to remember that it is a necessity to use not only your heart in making decisions but you should also consider to use your mind.
remember, never stick only to what your heart feels.. using a brain is a necessity..

it is much good to consider things using both of them because sometimes we are carried away by the emotions we feel and we had at the moment. emotions can brought us into something that could make us do something that it is not good for ourselves and to others...

another reminder,

never use your eyes to cry for the one who fooled you!!.. instead, use it to search for the right one...

i know what your are thinking right now.,
that it is hard not to cry when the one you trust and love fooled you... it does really hurt!
but, don't waste your tears for them.. you can't do anything about it because it is their choice to do that... just keep in mind that every woman's tears is equivalent to man's sacrifices in life.. for women are not made to be stepped down, but they are brought to this world to love and to be loved.,..


don't be scared breaking up...
keeping a relationship with an evil person is much scary...
don't be an idiot and a martyr for your partner whose been fooling you around and been hurting you for so many times,, it is not a wise decision.. it will be only your lost and not them..

take note:

love the one who will fight for you and bravely face each and every consequences...

someone whom you can call a partner..
rather than a lover... (",)

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